PUG IV 141

DR 51 frgg. A, B
metà 3° a.C.
Egitto, Arsinoites
Baetens - Clarysse, ZPE 204 (2017), 183-184
13 x 10,5
«[- - -] whose conduct is not of the best, and he is guilty of offenses in multiple matters, I ask you to write to Petesouchos, the archiphylakites of Oxyrhyncha, not to make any delay and to deliver Petos to you, so that, after he has been delivered by you to Helas, the epistates of the phylakitai, and after the examination has taken place, (...) I may recover the 1500 drachms (...) and he may receive what is fitting (...). (m2) To the (...).» [trad. Baetens - Clarysse]